Sunday 27 November 2011

John Stezaker and Experiment

John Stezaker is a British artist who uses one portrait of someone, and then adds on another portrait, or a photos of something like a landscape. For the once that he uses a portrait and a landscape photo, he doesn't just randomly pick and place the photos together, he uses composition to a line the two photos so that there might still have slight human features.

He is able to do this in this particular photo because of the way the edge of both of the cliffs follow the edge of both of the shapes, there for making it have alight human features. 

John Stezaker - Mask X  - The Approach

By using the visual elements such as shape and balance, this type of art is very effective because of the way that you have to try and follow the lines and shapes so that you can figure out why Stezaker put the photos in that particular positioning.

The other way that he does this type of work is by using two portraits on top of each other but doing the same thing, using the two photos and lining them up to make on face. This way seems much easier because you already have the faces, now all you need to do is put them in the way that you want them to be in.


As I said this way does seem much easier, but I think that Stezaker must of token some time to plan out and try different ways of using composition in each of his pictures. The reason that I think that is because on some of his pictures both of them are vertical, some of them are both horizontal, and some of them and diagonally, therefore some of them must have worked better than others.

So after I had seen this type of work, I wanted to try and have a go. The first thing that came into my mind was that if I needed different portraits, like my self but me looking different ways because that is what seems to happen in all of the portraits that he used when doing it, but i thought because this is just an experiment, I just used the same photo and if I wanted to take this type of work further, then I would try and do it as similar to the original because that would be where the main value of the picture came from.

So as I said with the other experiments, there is not much value in the photo it's self, but the link that can be made between my work and the artists work and the similarity with them.

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