Tuesday 18 October 2011

Stephen Gill Field work (Out-side School)

Even thought I took these photos quite a while ago, I am still very interested with this subject and thought it was relevant for this project. 

While I was away on holiday in France walking around the small towns over there, I noticed something that I had not before. Everywhere I looked, I could see that all of the man made structure's, buildings, windows, and signs were made out of all the same shapes, and it got me thinking about the reason of why that is, and it is because if they were any other shape, it would look strange and different in almost all of the photos. And then that got me thinking about why if you make something such as a painting, building or mostly anything with uneven shapes it instantly becomes abstract but in some cases that can make what ever your making look even better. Because at the end of the day, its all about making the thing look good and be appealing to the eye. So finally, all of the photos that I took and have put into this page, I took them because of the common shapes there made from, and try to imagine the photo but instead of those shapes replace them with abstract and uneven shapes.

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